
Why is it that people feel so comfortable categorizing people by saying,”The______are______.”?P1040295

Inductive reasoning can serve us well. Burning ourselves after sipping a boiling cup of tea need only occur once. But when it comes to people, this logic fails us. We love to form opinions and view the world through a lens of presumptions, but we do others, and ourselves, a disservice by thinking of people as if formed by some nationally designed cookie cutter.

Writing, the other day, of my time cycling through France reminded me of the endless kindnesses shown by the locals. Directions, hospitality, food, drink, and lending helping hands to our motley group was common. The gestures were generous and genuine.

But entering the chateaus of the Loire Valley, a tourist area, a few employees were curt and unrecognizable from the dozens of people I had previously met. Overhearing some visitors it was clear that they were embracing this skewed impression of the French to be the norm.

When people discover I am an American, they are quick to make assumptions, and perhaps some of them are true but each of us is far more complex than a simplified, singular label.

It might take a little more effort to view each person as an individual, but the rewards of truth vs prejudice clearly outweigh the means.


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Enjoy the days.

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