Alaska, rightly known for its expansive and breathtaking wilderness, still conjures images of stampeding prospectors during the rush for gold. The hordes have eased but people seeking the land of opportunity continue to arrive. Many nationals and foreigners find employment during the tourist season and will then move on. Unlike most migrant workers, their skills are not agricultural and their lifestyle is largely one of choice.
It has been many four years since I visited Alaska, but I remain intrigued by these scores of people who called no place “home.” Most were young; perhaps now they have settled somewhere or continue to seek surroundings with the seasons, like the nomads they are.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement