In the course of my travels I have had many meaningful encounters even if they are short-lived. The brevity of time does not lessen the quality nor the profundity of the meeting.
What begins with a simple hello evolves into an immediate rapport and feeling of trust. We may share more details of our lives, thoughts and dreams than with those we have known for years. Perhaps knowing that the time is fleeting precipitates this accord.
On a few occasions these moments have established the beginning of a lasting friendship, but usually all that remains is the memory of our walk, talk, meal, or few days of traveling together as we bid adieu and continue on our way.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement