P1040347It is easy to spot a tourist in New York, amongst other possible give a ways, they are the ones taking pictures of the squirrels. New Yorkers weigh in differently on the creatures’ appeal, but I see few, if any, stopping to take the furry creatures’ photographs.

However, this is not to suggest that New Yorker’s are indifferent to wildlife. The other day, perched atop the head of a statue in the western part of Central Park, was a young red-tailed hawk. Keeping a respectful distance from this exquisite avian was a slew of local enthusiasts. They were chatting amiably amongst themselves, standing by their tripods and cameras equipped with enormous zoom lens.

“May I take a look through your camera?” I asked one of the gentleman. He somewhat hesitantly said yes.  I approached the camera resting on a sturdy tripod and through the powerful lens I could see almost every feather on the hawk’s head. The hawk looked directly at me. “He’s looking right at me!” I excitedly said. The man clicked the cord connected to the camera and took multiple shots.

“You see this crowd? We all know each other. We know his favorite spots and meet up .” The man explained.

I still find squirrels cute and charming, but it was the sight of the red-tailed hawk that I continued to think of throughout the day.



P1040483Watching great actors of the 30’s and 40’s in films decades later, I would hear someone of that era say, “Look how young they are.” We’d see Laurence Olivier, Katharine Hepburn, and others in their prime.  But their aging seemed like some distant affair. I did not know them in their younger years.

I was reminded of this the other day, while seeing some films I had watched in the 70’s. There was Paul Newman, Faye Dunaway and others in their prime.

I thought, “Look how young they are.”


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I love paper and have numerous small pads, large pads, notebooks in various places throughout my home. I have used and saved them throughout the years. Nary a one is full. I start a book maybe almost fill it, or not, write a few thoughts, or many, and move on.

This is true of my sketchbooks too.

I am not sure why or how I developed this habit, but it is not a good one. I suspect it has something to do with the promise and joy of the new.

But my tendency to write down a phone number with no name next to it–none– on any one of the above mentioned is worse still. I have a collection of numbers accumulated over the years. I have no idea who they belong to and I dare not call any of them to find out.

I am in the process of amending my ways. I am not sure how long it will take me to fill all my unfilled pads, etc., but I did take down a phone number last night and wrote the name of who it belonged to right away.


IMG_4093Dear Readers,

One year ago today, I began startsolo (with this same image) hoping to inspire others with tales of my travels, thoughts, and encounters.

Thank you for your dedicated readership! Your comments have been invaluable and most appreciated.

Writing this blog has been an extraordinary experience for me. I have learned a great deal, particularly that there is so much more to learn.

In the days ahead I look forward to sharing my experiences. I will write as often as I can.

I hope you will continue to join me.

If you have not already done so, please consider subscribing to learn of updates. (To all my subscribers: A heartfelt thank you!!)

With the warmest of wishes,





With how many things are we on the brink of becoming acquainted, if cowardice or carelessness did not restrain our inquiries. Mary Shelley

Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

If this is the first time you are visiting the site, welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new.

Although I take a break during the weekends, I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Images, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe-of course its free.
I would be delighted if you would sign up.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.


Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose – a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.  Mary Shelley

Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

If this is the first time you are visiting the site, welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new.

Although I take a break during the weekends, I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Images, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe-of course its free.
I would be delighted if you would sign up.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.


P1040755Last night I was riding my bicycle along the west side of Manhattan. There is a scenic bike path that follows the river and I was looking for an entryway from the street above. I noticed a very long flight of stairs, but the weight of my bike discouraged me from carrying it down.

I headed over to the sidewalk for a better view, but still saw nothing. Just then, a man and woman were approaching me. They were well-dressed, speaking amiably to each other. Both were in wheelchairs.

“Excuse me, do you know if there’s a ramp to get down to the river?” I asked. They stopped, and the woman replied as she pointed..”Yes, just on the other side of that tree. The ramp’s a bit tough for us, so we use another one a bit further on, but it should be fine for you.”

From my position the ramp was obscured. “Just there? I don’t see it.” I sheepishly said. ” “No, you can’t see it from here, but if you go on the other side of the tree you will,” the man joined in. I thanked them, and followed their directions. The ramp was there.

I looked back and noticed that they had lingered. I gave a wave and thanked them again. They waved back with smiles and continued on.


P1020296When I was a child, I wished that I could remember everything. I was told that this might not be a good idea.

There is wisdom in these words, but do we choose the memories we retain?

Some people in Japan, called denshoshas, are spending years with Hiroshima bomb survivors.

The denshoshas will be sharing the survivors’ memories for posterity after they are gone.

I am hoping, despite the horrors, there will be memories of joy as well.





P1040453It’s ninety-two degrees outside and I have a jacket in anticipation of frigid air-conditioned interiors. (Certain subway cars are more suitable for transporting meat than live flesh.) And I am not alone. There are others, mostly women, wearing or carrying extra garments too.

This particular subway car however, is comfortable. The crowd inside is undoubtedly raising the temperture. There is a small group of tourists standing near me. Their guide book is prominantly displayed while they chat in a foreign tongue. The doors at my stop open and I get up to leave.  The tourists are leaving the car too. It is then we all notice a yellow sweater has slipped to the floor.  They gingerly step over it, clearly unsure of what to do. I snatch it up. The doors of the car close behind me.

At that moment I am wondering if taking the sweater was a wise idea. “Who does it belong to? How can I return it?” I quickly look around and see a woman in a summer dress walking up the stairs. Fortunately, at that moment there are very few women ahead of me. I assume it is hers and do my best to reach her. The station is crowded. My progress is slow. Upstairs is another subway line and the woman is turning to enter the awaiting train. While still making my way up I give out a cry, ” Hello! Hello!” She turns! “Is this yours?” I say while showing her the sweater in my hand. Her eyes show surprise. She smiles wide and says. “Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you very much!” I hand her the sweater as she dashs into the subway car.

Whatever the temperature awaiting her, she was well prepared.